smile-gallery-my-hygienest-rocksAt the very core of oral hygiene we have our daily routine which involves brushing our teeth and flossing, these are two things that we must not neglect in order to keep good dental hygiene and a beautiful smile. In order to supplement the basic dental care that we provide for ourselves it is important to visit a professional in preventive dental care, a general dentist is also able to provide help in this field. Finally dentists, cosmetic dentists as well as dental hygienists are able to provide additional help in order to complement our day to day oral hygiene routine.

It goes without saying that tooth brushing should be the cornerstone of our daily oral hygiene routine, as good as it may be it does have some flaws for instance, it is not able to remove calculus which is also referred to as tartar or plaque that builds over time on top of our teeth. Tartar has got to be removed in order to avoid complications such as cavities, toothaches or any other type of illness which might trigger the loss of a persons teeth, by removing such buildup we are able to prevent the need for dental bridges, crowns, root canals, painful extractions and so on.
