Besides using a toothbrush to clean your teeth, flossing is one of the most important steps in your regimen of oral care. If you’re not sure why flossing can help in your preventative dental hygiene program, below are some of the benefits of flossing:

Brushing alone may not prevent you from developing gum disease and tooth loss. If you have sensitive or bleeding gums you may think you should avoid flossing because it may aggravate your condition. Instead, flossing helps improve the health of your gums and helps prevent them from bleeding.

Flossing Alternatives

Standard dental floss is not the only effective product for flossing your teeth. Flossing options include:

Develop a Good Oral Care Routine

Make it a habit to develop and maintain a good oral care routine that includes:

If you haven’t seen us for some time or would like to learn more about the best way to floss your teeth, please contact us to schedule an appointment or you can call us at 516-226-9853. The dentists at Shine Dental Group will discuss your dental history and examine your teeth and help you develop a route for proper oral care.