Routine cleanings at your dentist every six months are critical when it comes to providing your teeth with the best care and maintenance throughout the year. (more…)
When your teeth have collected tartar, bacteria, and other debris, these substances can also make their way under your gum line and this can lead to gingivitis, tooth and bone decay, and even tooth loss. (more…)
The average person’s mouth is full of bacteria, and these bacteria allow the mouth to form plaque, and if you are not brushing and flossing, then this buildup can potentially lead to other more serious issues such as gum disease. (more…)
People will sometimes say that trying to get a perfect smile is about nothing but vanity, and past a certain point they’re right. Crooked teeth can wear each other down and make chewing hard, but a small gap between your front teeth is harmless. Cavities can rot your teeth, but food stains are harmless and using too much peroxide to whiten your teeth can start to damage them. (more…)
It’s important to keep your teeth clean if you want them to stick around for as long as possible. That means brushing and flossing every day, being careful about the amount of sweets and acids you eat and drink each day, and visiting your dentist at least twice each year for a teeth cleaning and a checkup. (more…)
Primary teeth (better known as baby teeth) exist because of the way children grow and develop over the years. Humans need to eat solid foods long before we reach our full size, and so we grow a set of small teeth as toddlers, teeth we gradually replace as we grow. But while this means we don’t have to worry about any cavities that show up on baby teeth since they won’t be around forever, that doesn’t mean parents or kids should ignore them completely. (more…)
When you sleep, you don’t just lie in place like a dead body. You move around to avoid bedsores, you switch between different sleep cycles to rest different parts of your brain and body, your breathing pattern changes as you start and stop dreaming. A lot goes on when you sleep, and some of it can go wrong. If you find yourself waking up with more problems than you had when you fell asleep, you should seek help, and in some cases you can find your solution at a place that practices general dentistry in Long Island. (more…)
It can be unfortunately common for adults to not get the kind of dental care they need. Everyone should visit a family dentist on Long Island (or wherever you might live) twice every year for tooth inspections and to scrape off tartar, but all too often we put off these visits or avoid them completely. Sometimes this can even keep going after we become parents, parents with kids who have their own teeth that need caring for, but it’s important for parents to lead by example and dentist visits are one way of doing so. (more…)
Your gums play an important role in keeping your teeth where they need to be. The soft pink tissue of your gums surrounds and holds onto your jawbones and the roots of your teeth, and while it’s not as strong or as tough as bone it can act like a kind of cement that holds your teeth in place. That means keeping your gums healthy not only keeps your teeth from falling out, it also protects your teeth from cavities and infections that might otherwise get past the enamel and damage the layers underneath. (more…)
Our bodies are a work in progress. For instance, many people could safely remove their little toe without having any effect on walking or balance. The appendix plays a role in keeping gut bacteria safe when you’re sick with food poisoning, but it probably had a more active role in our bodies long ago. Gallbladders store bile for breaking down fat, but plenty of people can get by without one. And while our wisdom teeth are just as useful as the rest of our molars, a lot of people need them to come out before they completely emerge. (more…)
Over the last decade, dental implants have gradually become a more popular option among those who are seeking a brighter, healthier smile. By offering advantages over dentures and partials that other options can’t provide, they stand out as being the best choice for those who want a perfect set of teeth again – or for the first time. (more…)
Straight teeth are beneficial in a variety of different ways. A misaligned bite can make it painful to chew or talk, and crooked teeth can become broken by other ones, which can lead to cuts or lacerations on the cheeks or gums. People suffering from crowding of the teeth often find it difficult to floss. There is just no room for the material to slide between teeth, and plaque and tartar build up in these areas, which cause cavities to form. If the location is invisible to the naked eye, like on the back of a tooth, it may go left unchecked for a substantial amount of time, and extensive damage can occur to not only the problematic tooth but also to others in the same vicinity. (more…)
Individuals with missing or broken teeth do not tend to smile as often as those with a healthy mouth. They are not grimacing all of the time, but rather, they just don’t show off their pearly whites. Dental implants have replaced dentures as the replacement of choice for many dentists and patients. Both are reliable, but only dental implants promote bone growth and stimulate gum tissue. However, it is notable to mention that not everyone is a candidate for the procedure, and various elements, like bone deterioration and overall health, are deciding factors in the process. (more…)
Dental problems seem to occur at the most inconvenient times. An accident can happen anywhere and at any time. There is nothing worst than awakening to a throbbing jaw line in the middle of the night, or while away from home on vacation, and finding a dentist to accommodate your needs is not always the simplest of tasks. However, we understand that some items can not wait, and our team is prepared and ready to face any tooth emergency that might arise. (more…)
It is that time of year again where kids are attempting to squeeze every last bit of fun out of their summer vacation. Parents are running around frantic trying to get those last crucial pieces from the school supply list, or driving from store to store trying to find the perfect top to match a pair of jeans for their teen. Although proper brushing, flossing, and rinsing techniques prevent most dental problems, it does not eliminate the threat, so the appropriate actions must be taken now to ensure that bright little teeth grow into healthy and long-lasting smiles. (more…)