Many questions come up about dental implants and how they can help you and what they can offer you. At Shine Dental Associates we place and restore implants in our office using our in house dental technicians. Implants are placed by either a general dentist or our in house board certified periodontist. All of your options are reviewed with you and how implants can help you and how it can help you provide options for you if you’re missing teeth.
Are Dental Implants the Best Tooth Replacement Option For You?
So implants can replace one tooth or many missing teeth or permanent bridges or even over dentures or help to stabilize existing dentures or make new dentures that can be more comfortable, form-fitting, cover less of the palette or the floor of your mouth, enabling you to speak better, eat better, chew better and also smile with a lot more confidence than you probably are right now.
So please give us a call for a free consultation. Insurance is accepted. We also can bill your medical insurance as well, so we can provide as much benefits from your insurance company as possible. We also offer interest free financing which can be extended for up to 24 months if approved. So please give us a call today. We’ll be happy to provide a free consultation and review all your treatment options and make sure you leave here smiling.