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These days, anyone can receive dentures for a better smile and an easier time eating. It really doesn’t matter what condition their mouth is in or their needs in terms of dentures. Implant supported partial dentures are a great illustration of this.


When someone is missing two, three or even four teeth, partial dentures are usually their best bet. These are dentures you wear that use metal clasps to latch on to your permanent teeth in order to stay in place. Artificial teeth are attached to the acrylic mount and arranged in such a way that when you insert the mount, the teeth pop through where necessary.

However, this simple arrangement may not work for everyone missing multiple teeth. For example, if you’re missing anterior teeth (those in the front), typical partial dentures might not function correctly. This is especially true if your remaining teeth lack the structural integrity to provide reliable abutments.

Fortunately, all is not lost. Another option, known as implant supported partial dentures, will still be capable of repairing the patient’s smile.

As the name suggests, implant supported partial dentures are a marriage of two separate versions. On the one hand, they are essential partial dentures. By this, we mean that they fill in the necessary gaps, while still leaving plenty of your real teeth in place. However, you will still need some implants put in because there are no other options for rooting your dentures into your mouth.

Implants can be done any of a number of ways. However, for implant supported partial dentures, implants are drilled into your gums and finally into your jaw. These implants then provide the necessary foundation for your partial dentures to attach to. One of the most popular ways is via magnetism. So when you want to put your dentures in, you simply let the magnets do their thing and you end up with your teeth where you need them.

The obvious advantage to implant supported partial dentures is that they’ll work in a mouth that would otherwise be challenging or impossible for artificial teeth. However, the other benefit is their ease of use. You can simply snap them in or out at will and the magnetism will keep them flush against your gums at all times. Plus, with no metal clasps, you can rest assured no one will know they’re not the real thing.

So if you’re missing teeth toward the front and think that means you can’t have dentures, think again. You may be a perfect candidate for implant supported partial dentures.

Although there are still many alternatives available, implant supported dentures are largely considered to be the best option out there. They provide all the benefits of normal dentures with a number of advantages wearers all seem to agree put them a cut above.

Implant supported dentures are the natural extension of the more traditional version. In the past, dentures have been held in with some type of adhesive – either a tape-like-strip or some type of glue or a paste. That’s a lot of confidence to put into such a material. As such, many wearers never felt comfortable using their full range of motion. Food could easily get in between the dentures and the gums, too, causing discomfort and potential embarrassment. All these factors and more practically defeated the purpose.

So in place of these adhesives were put surgical implants. Actual metal was inserted into the wearers jaw to ensure dentures stayed attached, securely, whenever they were worn. The open palate design simply meant there was no unnecessary middle rubbing up against the roof of the mouth.

There are two types of open palate implant supported dentures: those retained with balls and those with bars. Being that they’re both held in with an implant, it really comes down to a personal preference over which one is superior.

The ball-retained dentures (also known as Stud-Attachment Dentures) function with a ball and socket design in order to hold them in the wearer’s mouth. To that end, the implant has sockets and the dentures have balls. When the balls and sockets meet, the dentures snap in place.

With a bar-retained open palate implant support denture, the mechanism is much the same and the result is exact. Implants in this scenario span the jaw and allow a metal bar to run along the inside of it. The dentures themselves have clips that attach to that bar when they’re being worn.

Again, the difference is largely up to the wearer to decide or the dentist to recommend. The finished product, however, is unrivaled security for the wearer. It’s impossible for these dentures to slip and, because they’re held in by metal, there’s virtually no chance of the attachment mechanism breaking.

When you add to this the open palate that provides an even more realistic look and unencumbered feel, it’s hard to beat open palate implant supported dentures. Best of all, the wearer feels more comfortable with them in, meaning they won’t have to hold back from talking, laughing, yawning, eating, etc.

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