Over time, with lifestyle and aging, our teeth can become discolored resulting in an un-esthetic smile. The Zoom Teeth Whitening System allows the cosmetic dentists at Shine Dental Associates in Syosset Long Island to whiten your teeth in just 1 office visit.

How Does The Zoom Teeth Whitening Work?

The procedure is simple… The gums are first covered and the teeth are left exposed for treatment. The Zoom whitening gel is then placed onto the teeth which are going to be treated. The Zoom Whitening System consists of the whitening gel and the zoom light which are designed to work together to break up the stains and discoloration on the teeth.

The light is applied to the gel covered teeth for 15 minutes after which time the gel is removed and replaced with fresh gel. This process is repeated 3-4 times. Once the treatment is completed the teeth are whitened. Zoom Teeth Whitening can help you achieve dramatic results and provide an esthetic smile.

For more information about Zoom, as well as other teeth whitening options please call our office at (516) 348-8500